Should I Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney for a Misdemeanor Charge?

The United States legal system separates offenses into three general categories: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Misdemeanor offenses are generally viewed as less severe than felonies and usually carry lesser sentences. However, this doesn’t mean misdemeanors shouldn’t be taken seriously. Convictions of any kind can haunt you for years to come, affecting your future in unanticipated ways. Even if your case seems relatively minor, it’s a good idea to consult with a criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale to understand your options.

Understanding Misdemeanors 

As the middle range of criminal offenses, typically misdemeanors carry heftier charges than infractions, which usually amount to warnings or citations. Misdemeanor offenses may be punishable by fines or jail time, but usually not more than one year. Examples of misdemeanor charges include:

  • Petty theft
  • Prostitution
  • Public intoxication
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Simple assault
  • Trespassing
  • Reckless driving

Like felonies, misdemeanors are subdivided into classes with Class A Misdemeanors being the most serious and Class D Misdemeanors being the least. This system will give you a general sense of what kind of sentences you may be facing: Class A may lead to jail time while Class D is usually just a fine. 

Grey Areas of Misdemeanor and Felony Charges 

In some cases, the determining factor for if one is charged with a felony or misdemeanor comes down to the specifics of the situation. The severity of the offense, your criminal history, and the existence of specific legal statutes can sway these charges either way. However, this may also lean in your favor. The prosecutor in your case may push for a felony charge, but the court can decide to implement misdemeanor penalties instead. If you find yourself in this tenuous situation, enlisting the help of a Florida criminal defense lawyer can help turn the tides in your favor. 

Lasting Effects of Misdemeanor Charges 

While a misdemeanor may seem like a dodged bullet, be careful. These convictions stay on your criminal record and can negatively impact your life years down the line. Future employers, mortgage brokers, property managers, and others you interact with may conduct a criminal background check. In some instances, your past can keep you from buying a car or home, landing your dream job, or even finding a place to live. You can attempt to have your record sealed or expunged, but that process is long and expensive. Even then, there’s no guarantee your request will be honored.  

Don’t leave your future up in the air. Hiring a criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale can prevent your criminal record from being tarnished. 

Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense Firm and What to Look For 

Law firms offer direct access to legal professionals who understand the ins and outs of our legal system. With their assistance, you can beat your misdemeanor case avoid jail time, fines, and future complications caused by having a criminal record. At the Law Office of Carlos A. Canet, PA, we dedicate the time and energy you deserve into understanding the details of your case and forming a solid defense. With over 30 years of experience, we fight for your best interest. 

Let us get started today—contact us now for your free consultation.