Misdemeanors are considered minor offenses. Actually, most serious misdemeanors can be punished by up to one year in the county jail. Solicitation carries a fine of $5000. The appearance of a misdemeanor conviction in a background search and can serious and far reaching effects. It could mean the difference in obtaining a job, getting into school or finding desirable housing. Carlos Canet has over 30 years experience defending all types of Misdemeanor cases. His record of success in this area is well known. It cannot be taken for granted that defending the Misdemeanor charge is an easy endeavor. The lawyer must be as careful preparing for the Misdemeanor case as he would for any other.
It should be considered that although an offense such as Simple Battery is classified a Misdemeanor. The charge itself can carry heavy OFFENSE PENALTIES. CANNABIS POSSESSION is still a criminal offense despite the emergence the movement toward decriminalization. A conviction for cannabis possession will result in a suspension of driving privileges if not treated with care and consideration of consequences. Petit Theft Offenses can lead to felony prosecutions. However, before becoming that serious an offender will likely face jail time.
State Attorneys at the County Court level are often new to their positions and will lack the appreciation a conviction for a Misdemeanor will have on a persons criminal record. The good news is that most state attorney offices offer diversion programs for first offenders. Diversion Programs will provide the opportunity for the offender to keep his record clean. Participation requires completion of certain rehabilitation oriented activities in exchange for dismissal of charges. Once charges are dismissed the record can either be sealed or expunged.
The Firm provides representation for the following:
- Cannabis Possession
- Solicitation & Prostitution
- Petit Theft
- Battery
- Exposure Crimes
- Concealed Weapons & Permit Related
- False Identification