Criminal Defense Lawyer

What to Do if You’ve Been Charged with a DUI in Miami

Anytime somebody chooses to drink and drive it puts a lot of people at risk. Even having just one drink and then driving can lead to life-altering consequences. Alcohol consumption reduces reaction time, affects depth perception, and increases risk-taking behaviors. Even if you’ve successfully driven while intoxicated before, each time you get behind the wheel you gamble with your own life and the lives of others. Because of this, Florida DUI laws are rigid and carry hefty consequences for those caught driving drunk. If you were charged with a DUI in Florida, here’s what you need to know.   


Florida law allows you 10 days from the date of your arrest to file a request for a hearing with the courts. This allows you time to hire representation. Because DUI and DWI charges are handled in criminal court, a Florida criminal defense lawyer can file your request on your behalf. Doing so can help protect you from large fines, probation, or even jail time. From this initial filing, it may take some time to set a court date, so in the meantime, you can build your defense and prepare.   


Even if you’ve never been charged with a crime before, a judge can pass down serious sentences depending on the severity of your transgression. First time DUI offenders almost always have to pay large fees including court costs, probation fees, and urinalysis fees where ordered. They will also be held financially responsible for any property damages caused by drunk driving, including the medical costs of any injured parties involved. You may also be sentenced to drug and alcohol counseling or community service, which can carry its own fees.   

Monetary consequences aren’t the only thing first-time DUI offenders may face. You may have your license suspended, or you may be sentenced to jail time or probation. Having a Miami DUI lawyer at your side can remove the more serious sentencing options from the table and protect your freedom.   

Don’t gamble with your future. Attempting to face DUI charges on your own is unlikely to end in your favor. A Florida criminal defense lawyer specializing in DUI and DWI cases can fight on your behalf to get you the best outcome possible. A Miami DUI lawyer may be able to get your license reinstated, avoid jail time or probation, and minimize fees. If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Miami it’s time to get help from an experienced attorney. Call our offices at Carlos A. Canet, PA today to get started on your case.