Criminal Defense Lawyer

Tips for Not Needing a DUI Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale this Labor Day Weekend

Over holiday weekends, DUIs will be given out more frequently than we’d like to imagine. To avoid needing a DUI lawyer in Fort Lauderdale this Labor Day weekend, there are a few tips you can be aware of to keep you, your loved ones, and others on the road safe. Sometimes, when we’re drinking and having an excellent time with friends, it can be challenging to be present in our decisions. That leads us to making unwise choices that can drastically change our lives. If you are arrested for a DUI, you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that judges don’t take this situation lightly. Fortunately, the experts at the Law Office of Carlos A. Canet are here to give you a few tips and tricks for keeping safe.   

Tip One from a DUI Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale: Don’t Drink and Drive 

The first tip is also the most obvious. Don’t drink and drive. It’s that simple! If you know that you’re going to be drinking at a party, either use a ride-sharing app, choose a responsible and reliable designated driver, and enjoy the evening!  

Limit Yourself Responsibly  

Police officers are on the road during the holiday weekend, looking for anyone who might be posing a threat to the other drivers. There are different state laws, so it’s essential to check the laws of your state, or in this case, Florida. The legal blood alcohol content, or BAC, is the limit you are able to have while still being legally able to drive. This is essential to know, especially if you’ve been pulled over. One drink or even two drinks will usually keep you under the limit. Yet, it’s beneficial to do your research!  

Drive Safely 

Driving safely is something everyone should do at any time, regardless of whether or not it’s a holiday. However, this is especially true when you’ve had a drink or two, and you’re on your way home. To avoid any troubles, pay extra attention to the speed limit, lights, and any, no right on red signs. No texting, talking on the phone, or doing any other form of distracted driving!  

Use Ride-Sharing Apps 

There are apps that can safely get you to and from your destinations. The best part is that you don’t need to bring a car, worry about parking, or waste time deciding who’s going to be the designated driver. Simply request a driver and enjoy the trip to your party, bar, restaurant, or home.  

At the Law Office of Carlos A. Cadet, P.A., we see a lot of DUI cases. This makes us incredible lawyers in the field. Whether you’re facing a DUI or you have questions, contact our firm today for a professional DUI lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, as well as Palm Beach County. We can definitely help you out, but hope you heed our prevention advice. Call us at 954-463-1919. True professionalism is right around the corner.